The Galactic Alliance was originally named the Republic of Worlds, formed before the Great War as a peace-making organization. After the Great War against the aliens occurred, the Confederation dissolved the Galactic Senate and announced the end of the Republic. The original leaders of the Senate formed the underground organization of the Galactic Alliance. The Confederation did not bother to destroy this organization, thinking it could not do any damage to its ruling of the human empire, they were terribly wrong.
The Confeds gradually became corrupted, starting the Civil War. Determined to restore peace to the galaxy, the Alliance sent recommendations to the Confeds and Rebels to talk of peace, but the Confeds rejected the recommendation, and announced the Alliance was illegal and must be dissolved immediately. The Confederation police captured the Alliance leaders and executed them without a thought. Buried in sorrow of the loss, the peace-making Alliance Senate decided if the Confeds will not listen to reasons, then they will yield to force. Temporaryly allied with the Rebels, the Alliance colonized the system of Alliance Central, Yiming's World was explored and Mars II starbase was established. Soon the station of Stardock Beta was put into orbit. Using the resources of Yiming's World, the Alliance Space Navy began construction.
But the Rebels suddened pulled back all scientists working on the Alliance's projects. Without help, the Alliance was about to lose the fight without beginning it when Liu Enterprises approached them. This new galactic corporation just took over the technology market. The Astex Industries was jealous and will use force to destroy their business. The Liu Enterprises promised to financially and scientifically support all Alliance projects, provided the Navy will protect their freighter convoys once the Navy is in power. An agreement was reached, and the projects was going again.
After one year, the Navy was fully-powered with high-tech weapons and prototypes made by the Liu Enterprises. The Alliance Space Exploration and Colonization department colonized Dethor IV and put an used spacecraft carrier into orbit. Meanwhile the Alliance Starport was constructed behind the Confederation border as a starbase for Alliance assault forces to refuel and repair. Meanwhile Liu Enterprises colonized the Taurus system and established its headquarters on the planet Bellote.
As the first offensive action in years, the Alliance Space Navy decided to hit the weakly defended border Confed system of Polaris. Task Force Seven was deployed to destroy the patrols while Fleet Assembly Four challenges the defense ships of Northstar. Six waves of defense ships were destroyed and the land defense batteries were knocked out. The planet surrendered after another blast that damaged the galactic satellite communication bunker. Liu Enterprises immediately constructed Central Refinery and equipped it with long range scanners to guard the system and refine fuels for the large Navy force that was based in the system.
The Confederation gathered 2/3 of the total Confederation Space Navy to recapture the system, but were defeated repeatedly. After sometime the assaults ended. The first offensive was success and announced to the galaxy that the Alliance is now the most powerful force in the galaxy. Now the Alliance planned to attack the heavily guarded Core Worlds to eliminate the Confederation once and for all...
New Rebellion- the story
The New Rebellion was founded by a group of militiant rebels who wanted total control over the galaxy. They allied with the Confederation in order to receive superior technology. Their weapons were still primitive, but they are expanding gradually. The traitors took over the planet of Gerzan and renamed it Rebel HQ. That is the base for further assaults on the Rebellion, Alliance, and Independents. Already they dominated New Ireland secretly and became overlords. Pegasus is also paying a 80% income tribute to them.
The rebels recruited officers by tricking them into thinking that once they took power, the government will be returned to individual worlds.